事工 Ministry
It has been over 20 years of ministering to the elderly, and Deacon Peter is now counted among them since turning 70 himself. He counts it all joy and privilege to be able to serve alongside our dedicated team of co-labourers, even as we continue to facilitate in the sowing and harvesting work in God’s earthly kingdom. It is these strong and dedicated leadership team and passionate helpers who will fulfill God’s calling in JCC.
May the Lord raise up more labourers in JCC and open up more doors for the sharing of the Gospel in and around Taman Jurong area using creative and meaningful ways for the lost to be saved, making use of the new and bigger church facilities that God has so graciously provided for His harvest work.

差传事工 Outreach
作为“甘榜精神计划”和“每天一人”差传事工的一部分,教会失散和脆弱的人是执行大使命的方式。 加入他们的团队,在附近的组屋中进行定期的外展会议。
As part of “Project Kampung Spirit” and “A Soul A Day” evangelism efforts, reaching the lost and vulnerable is the church’s way of carrying out the Great Commission. Join the team as they conduct regular outreach sessions in neighbouring apartment buildings. Contact Peggy Lee.
赞美与敬拜 Praise & Worship
Pre-recorded singing sessions are held once in a while to supplement Sunday service, and to add to our in-house produced album collection. The team sings live during service too. Join our worship team!
服侍员和圣餐 Sanctuary Servers & Communion
在崇拜期间,招待员会引导、阅读经文、提供奉献袋和圣餐等服务。 如果您热情好客,请加入团队。
During service, there are ushers and servers who help with seating, scripture reading, communion and offering bags, so on. If you enjoy being hospitable, be part of the team. Contact Seline Ng or Jessie Lim.
现场视频团队 Audio-Visual Crew
在崇拜时,我们需要对设备进行设置,以使音视频系统正常工作。 如果您精通技术,请每月与视频媒体小组一起提供帮助。
During worship service, equipment needs to be setup in order to ensure audio and visual systems are working correctly. If you’re tech-savvy, help out once a month with the AV team. Contact Wilfred.