NCCS April 2023 E-Newsletter
Dear Members and Friends of NCCS,
We bring you greetings from the National Council of Churches of Singapore.
The Council’s Annual General Meeting held on 20 April was the first physical gathering of the AGM since the restrictive measures required meetings to be conducted via zoom conferencing. We were very pleased to have 47 persons attending the AGM, and enjoyed a time of fellowship and catching up with one another, especially after the meeting.
In this April issue of the e-newsletter, we would like to introduce office-bearers in the Executive Committee who will serve a 2-year term (2023 – 2025). NCCS also welcomes its new President, Rt Rev Lu Guan Hoe, Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore, who takes over from Rt Rev Dr Titus Chung who completed his 2-year term of office at the AGM.
The NCCS leadership appreciates your continued prayers and support as it serves and represents the Christian community in Singapore.
In His Service,
Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian | General Secretary
National Council of Churches of Singapore