Our full-time staff are believers who serve God either in pastoral or administrative capacities.

Reverend Anthony Loh
Senior Pastor
Heading the Jurong Christian Church’s English section is Senior Pastor Anthony Loh who has been preaching for over 20 years. He worked 3-plus years in the marketplace before heeding God’s call to serve Him full-time. Upon graduating with a Bachelor of Theology from SBC, he began as a parish worker in JCC for over a year, then became a full-time staff with Cru Singapore based in a university campus for three years. He rejoined JCC again before becoming a pastor with LCS. Rev Anthony has a heart for the unreached locally and globally, serving on Outreach Committees. He is married to Mei Ling with 3 teenage children.

Reverend Caleb Oh Ximi
Caleb is a Chartered Accountant of Singapore with many years’ working experience in the commercial world before joining JCC. He came to Christ during the Billy Graham Crusade in Singapore in the 70s, and was immediately assimilated into JCC. He served as a JCC Pastor at the Chinese Section for seven years and is currently a Pastor at the English section. He has been a JCC member for 40 years and played many key roles such as Chairman (during the planning stage) and Treasurer (during the construction stage) of the JCC Church Rebuilding Committee. Caleb is happily married with 2 grown children.

Samantha Chin
Finance Admin Manager
Samantha Chin was an accountant by training. She has a compassionate heart for the lost. Married with one husband and two children, she shifted her career to become a preschool teacher and enjoyed teaching and impacting the children. Finally, after much prayer, she responded to the call of serving the Lord in the church by becoming the Finance Admin Manager of JCC. She brought with her many experiences both from her secular job and from her active involvement in the church ministry. Watch out for her—you will like her!

Nathan Lim
Deacon, Head of Ministry (Dialect)
After graduating from Singapore Bible College (SBC) in 1993, he returned to his hometown in Medan, Indonesia, to serve pastorally at a local church in Mandarin and Indonesian. He initiated fellowships, departmental ministries and evangelistic outposts till 2005, whilst obtaining his Masters of Divinity at SBC. In 2006, he and his family moved to Cambodia. For 14 years, he planted a Khmer-speaking church, assisted two other local churches and a rural village ministry. In July 2020, he returned to Singapore to accompany his son for NS, and thus joined JCC’s Dialect Ministry in late November 2021.
Check out the Hokkien website for more info –

Peggy Tan Kwee Choo
Senior Operations Executive, Goshen Centre
Peggy conducts creative outreach to the community through the monthly Project Kampung Spirit, Manna Bridge and is planning other community activities. She has been a member of JCC for over 30 years. She worked as a clerical staff in various MNCs for 40 years. She is married to John Lee, a contributor of WinePRESS, with 3 adult children.

Christina Ang
Christina has been serving in the administrative duties for English section in JCC for over a decade. She has also been a long-time member of JCC. Prior to that, she’s had 20 years’ work experience in the administrative field.

Chew Sam Hoe
Facility Officer
Sam takes charge of the building’s security and maintenance. He also coordinates with suppliers, tenants and keeps track of the entire church hub’s facility usage. The building was undergoing reconstruction when he joined in 2016.