Operating Handbook - Cell Group Alive
This Operating Handbook provides guidance and help for church leaders and church members. Members can find out how Cell Groups can help them to grow in spiritual maturity and leaders can learn how to tap the power of the Cell Group Network to drive church growth.
Opening Your Spiritual Gifts
God has provided each of His people with spiritual gifts – the gift of salvation through faith, and talents which we can hone for His purposes. Like other presents, it is impossible to fully appreciate and make use of our spiritual gifts until they have been opened. This tool will help you begin to open your spiritual gifts by guiding you through this self-assessment worksheet.

Parenting Resources
“Unfortunately, though, many parents strive too hard for perfection—that somehow we “win” if we are perfect or have well-behaved kids. The truth is all parenting is imperfect and messy.” — Seven Traits of Effective Parenting, Daniel Huerta
“Inside every child is an ’emotional tank’ waiting to be filled with love.” — Gary Chapman
We cannot control what children choose to do or what they will grow up to be. Perfect children cannot be created. What can be done is leave imprints on their lives through communication, teaching, guidance, correcting and loving.
CruMedia’s parenting books range from bringing up special needs kids to manoeuvring the digital culture.
Lutheran Hour Resources
Get your daily dose of scriptural insights. Daily Devotions from LHM will help strengthen and encourage your faith as you do the same for others.
Receive inspirational Scripture-based messages at your fingertips every day. LHM also provides season-themed devotions during Advent and Lent.
The Vine Archives
The Vine articles have been a collective part of JCC’s communications and internal newsletter. Read these timeless articles here.
Sermon Archives
Our services have gone online and are available for public viewing. Feel free to spool through the past sermons following the Covid-19 lockdown and the church’s move to online streaming.