By John Lee
Wandering Sheep
Someone posed this question: After Covid, why are people not returning to church, and those who came back are not the same anymore?
This question seems to reflect a discipleship concern about wandering sheep. The following are some reasonable assumptions:
• Some individuals may not be returning to church because they have become accustomed to alternative ways to connect with their faith, such as online services or small group meetings.
• Some people who came back are not the same as before because they have experienced suffering or loss (physically, emotionally or spiritually) during the pandemic.
Do not be discouraged!
The pandemic forced churches to cut back on programs and physical meetings. Obviously, safety regulations curtailed church attendance and personal contacts. Spiritual care was significantly impacted.
It is important for churches to have a strong discipleship program, but disciples and disciple-makers should not be disheartened by inevitable imperfections.
Discipleship is a lifelong process of learning and growing in our relationship with God in incremental steps. The right attitude encouraging perseverance is to recognize that God is the one who produces good works in us whereby our fruit-bearing is simply a result of His work. (Philippians 2:13)
No matter what challenges we face, we should not give up hope. Instead, we should continue to strive to do good and to seek God’s grace.
Discipleship Journey
In our discipleship journey, we have all been beneficiaries of the disciple-makers who have served as our spiritual guides. Although our spiritual benefactors may not wear a “disciple-maker” badge that visibly identifies them as such, they have undoubtedly served in one or more of the five-fold ministry gifts that God has bestowed upon the church to equip the saints for the work of ministry. (Eph 4:11-12) Disciple-makers are those who use their gifts to help others grow in their faith and walk with God.
Discipleship is not a destination, but a journey. Whether we experience it as a maturing disciple or as a disciple-maker, we cannot depart from ongoing personal development and Christian service as God’s servant, to serve others for God’s glory with our different gifts and talents.
Like Timothy, we should be diligent in our study of God’s word so that we can be approved as a worker who does not need to be ashamed. (2 Tim 2:15)
Prayer is a conversation with God. It is a way for us to express our love for Him, to thank Him for His blessings, and to ask for His help. It is also a way for us to listen to God and to receive His guidance.
Let us bring our discipleship concern to God in prayer!