Adults Ministry
The Vision:
To grow in Christ-likeness through “Connect, Equip, Mentor, Release” (CEMR) in Cell Groups in order to fulfill God’s Great Commandment and Commission.
The Mission:
Every JCCian to be true disciples and disciplers of Christ in responding to the Antioch’s calling, “Come Call and Go Call”, reaching people whom God brings to Singapore and going to people where God sends us.
If you are aged 35 and above, we welcome you to our friendly cell groups which are meeting in multiple places across Singapore. Whether you’re 35 or 55, we have a group just for you. We meet in homes and also in JCC to Sing, Share, Study the Bible and Support one another to love God and love one another.
To know which group is suitable for you, just email Rev Anthony.

Who and What
Adults Ministry
We welcome you to be a part of a fellowship group. Covid-19 may divide, but we aim to unite people to God. Adult Cell Groups include:
- Jurong West
- Taman Jurong
- Abundance 1 & 2
- Bethel 1, 2 & 3
- HIP HOP (Harvesters in Practice, Harvesters of People)
We aim to revitalise our leaders and fellow brothers and sisters towards a sense of belonging in JCC through our small groups. It takes a village to raise a child, and the village to sustain a person. We believe each individual grows best by integrating into the care of the family of Christ, in partnership with pastoral efforts. We can then go through life’s struggles in a godly, Christlike way.
Outreach & Hospitality
Every believer needs to own the Great Commission and reach others for the gospel. This is best done by equipping members to help in outreach efforts. Leaders play their part by praying for and with members, to get involved in the outreach process and to help host new friends too. This aims to rekindle the momentum in evangelism amongst our working adults.
Cell Groups
- Alternate Fridays, 7.45pm to 10.15pm @ Members’ houses
- Ages: 35 – 70
- Contact: Frank Jonathan
We are sunshine people who are Stable (Very), Mature (Verily) and Fun (Verily Verily)!
We meet face-to-face or online (if no choice) to fellowship around God’s Word and with one another. We believe that the the group that Prays & Plays together Stays together! Our CG sessions are not complete without Food…and we have foodie experts in our group too!
More importantly, we desire to see God in action in our lives and those that He brings our way.💛
- Fridays 8 – 10pm @ Parc Oasis / Lakeside Grove
- Ages: 40+ to 120
- Contact: Bryan Tay
- Bi-weekly on Fridays, 8 – 10pm @ JCC MPH1
- Bi-weekly on Saturdays 8 – 10pm @ Zoom and members’ homes
- Ages: 30+ to 69+
- Contact: Tony Koh
- Fridays 8 – 10pm @ Jurong Christian Church hub / Zoom
- Ages: 27 – 70
- Contact: Patrick Low

- Saturdays 8 – 10pm @ Jurong Christian Church / Members’ homes
- Ages: 20s, majority lates 30s to 40s
- Contact: Peh Ping Saw

We live through life in our various life stage with God in our midst. Each of us has undergone trials and challenges in life and still is. Yet, we trust and obey God who loves and care for us.
- 1st and 3rd Fridays, 8.15pm to 10pm @ Jurong Christian Church hub
- Ages: 50s – 60s
- Contact: Yew Moi Chong
- Day: Every 1st and 3rd Friday
- Time: 8 – 10pm
- Place: Zoom
- Ages: 40+ to 70+
- Contact: Martin Cheah
This fellowship consists of married couples with young children.
- Day: Bi-weekly on Saturdays
- Time: 4 – 6pm
- Place: Members’ houses
- Ages: 30 – 40s
- No. of Pax: 10
- Contact: Samuel Tay
If you are looking for support in parenting, do check out our Discipleship Education (DE) programmes. Additionally, if you’d like to find out more about what we believe in, or perhaps you want to study the Bible, our DE classes include a Lutheranism 101 course.