Baptism & Transfers on 11th August 2024

Four children were baptised on Sunday 11th August 2024. They were Kayla Khai (daughter of Lian Khai and June), Levi Ng (son of Elyson and Valerie), Keisha Lo (daughter of Ken and Amanda) and Sonya Tay (daughter of Sam and Angeline).
Two families, Elyson Ng and Valerie Chin, as well as Ken Lo and Amanda Wong, brought their children for baptism and also transferred to become members of JCC.
“not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” (1 Pet. 5:3).
The Bible sees local churches as flocks of sheep. It’s not a good thing for a sheep to go alone looking for green grass. We belong in the safety of a flock. Membership helps keep us gathered with the other sheep under the protection of the shepherd. Membership helps us keep track of which sheep we’re responsible to feed, guide and guard.
Welcome to the flock of JCC!