C4C Lutheranism 101 – Baptism Course

Baptism Course
Most Christians don’t think much about Baptism because they think it’s something
we do. They see it as just a simple act of obedience to God, as something a
person does to show that he or she is a Christian. What Lutherans believe and
teach about Baptism is different from what many other Christians teach. For
Lutherans, Baptism is not a mere symbol of rebirth. It is not a choice or a prize for
attaining a certain amount of faith. Lutheranism 101: Baptism gives an overview of
what Baptism is, what it does, how it does it, and what it means for our lives now
and into the future.
Date: Saturdays 2 Sep – 21 Oct
Venue: Bedok Lutheran Church & Zoom
Presented by: Rev Jimmy Khoo & Rev Fredric Lee