CHATBOT Challenge

Post Views: 92

The Chatbot Challenge has been extended to end of June, so here’s your chance to submit your very first chatbot! Create a conversational workbot for free at and publish it to URL.
You can use it for Bible quiz, share about your small group, make a survey, and anything else your creativity may tell you. Make it fun and as interactive as possible, with various media elements and options. Check out this sample bot –
Get started with:
1. this intro video –
2. this setup video –
Stand to win $50 in prizes when you send in your chatbot! Email to and your chatbot might get published on our website or other appropriate channels.
You can use it for Bible quiz, share about your small group, make a survey, and anything else your creativity may tell you. Make it fun and as interactive as possible, with various media elements and options. Check out this sample bot –
Get started with:
1. this intro video –
2. this setup video –
Stand to win $50 in prizes when you send in your chatbot! Email to and your chatbot might get published on our website or other appropriate channels.
This is wonderful!