Delicious Curry Puff

There were many stalls at the WICAS Carnival; games, toys, books, clothes, drinks and food vying for our coupons.
I was busy going around taking photos and video clips that I did not get to taste many of the drool-worthy food. My wife bought some and I particularly liked the chunky curry puffs which cost only $3 for 2. It was less expensive than most in the market. I think it was as good as the well-known Old brand, but at a much more reasonable price.
The filling had green peas, corn, carrot, potatoes, egg and curry flavour. It was very tasty and probably a healthier alternative giving the commercial ones a run for the money. Lately, the government is considering Nutri-grade labels for all foods. Does this imply that we may face a decline in the taste of our food?
We are not sure if this was homemade or bought to resell at WICAS Carnival, but for curry puff lovers, this was a good deal.
My wife thinks it was from a stall by the Yishun ladies. Does anyone know for sure?