Epiphany – The Great Revelation

“Does it have anything to do with me?”
We have entered the season of Epiphany, a time that reminds us of Jesus’ arrival and our responsibility to reveal Him as the Savior to the world. This pivotal revelation began with the Magi’s extraordinary journey, by divine guidance. Prior to Jesus’ arrival, an angel of the Lord had appeared to Joseph in a dream to inform him to expect this momentous event. (Mt 1:20-21)
Visualise: Wise men, led by a star, journeying across vast distances, their hearts yearning for the truth. They sought the King, and their search culminated in the adoration of a newborn Savior.
Jesus is our sole path to reconciliation with God. This truth forms the core of the Great Commission, our mandate to share Him with the world. Are we ready to answer this call?
Yes, we are not alone. Our hearts are warmed knowing that churches are willing to rise up and take part in the harvest together. Recently, at the Love Singapore Summit, more than 1,000 pastors and ministry leaders gathered. There is an urgent and resounding clarion call for churches to be united ‒ one heart and one mission ‒ ALL IN to proclaim Christ and bring the good news to the world.
Envision: A wave of revival sweeping across Singapore, ignited by a united front of believers. Churches working in harmony, their voices echoing in unison, proclaiming the hope of Christ to a lost and hurting world.
Three key focus areas have emerged:
- Turning Singapore Godward: Fostering a deeper spiritual connection within our nation.
- Reaching the Youth: Engaging and discipling the next generation.
- Blessing the Nations: Extending God’s love and compassion globally.
Let us position ourselves to be used by Christ. Let us pray that JCC becomes:
- A Place of Community: JCC will foster a strong community where members are united, loving, and supportive of one another. The CG will be a safe space for sharing our struggles and growing together, where pre-believers can encounter Jesus.
Visualise: JCC as a vibrant oasis of faith, a place where genuine relationships flourish, and where the presence of Jesus is palpable.
- A Place of Provision: JCC will be a place where God provides abundantly for our needs, enabling us to serve the community with tangible love.
Envision: JCC overflowing with God’s blessings, empowering us to reach out to those in need with compassion and generosity.
Let’s not let this desire remain a mere thought. Let the love of Christ flow through our hands as we serve and care for others! This is the heart of the Goshen Bridge – deepening our friendships before sharing the Good News, both personally and through CG and the church.
How can we do this together?
5-3-1 POD
- Pray for 5: Intercede for five people you know.
- Outreach to 3: Connect with three people, offering support or assistance.
- Disciple 1: Invest in the spiritual growth of one individual.
Practically, BLESS means:
- Begin with prayers: Start with prayerful intention.
- Listen to a friend: Actively listen to his/her concerns and joys.
- Eat with a friend: Share a meal and build deeper connections.
- Serve the friend: Offer practical help or support.
- Share your story: Authentically share your faith journey.
Visualise: A ripple effect of transformation, starting with one person, one encounter, one life changed by the power of the Gospel.
One person, one convert. Can we trust God for it?
Church, are we “All IN” on this mission in 2025?
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38)
Envision: A future where JCC is a beacon of hope, a catalyst for spiritual revival, fulfilling the Great Commission and making a lasting impact on our world.