Racewalking with Lissa & Freddie

Racewalking is a good exercise for seniors. It burns more calories than regular walking. Experts say walking a 15-minute mile for an hour can burn anywhere between 360 to 420 calories, and racewalking burns even more since you exert more energy with the proper technique.

In the past few months, Lissa and Freddie have gone to many countries (including Taiwan, Sabah, Johor and Singapore) to racewalk and win many medals.  Their latest win was in Chiang Rai on 14th Feb, where they both got silver medals in the ladies’ and men’s events, respectively.  There were 17 from the Singapore contingent. Together they won 5 Gold, 6 Silver and 7 Bronze medals. The Malaysia team won 8 Gold, 20 Silver and 14 Bronze medals. Lissa and Freddie met with competitors from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Hong Kong, Spain, Netherlands and Ireland.  Joining them in some of their racewalking events, Ellesse Mah and Pastor Michael also managed to win medals.

What makes them so good at these races that they always win medals?  Daily practice, healthy diets and positive mindset.  It is a body and mind combination.  “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right” is commonly attributed to Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company.  It is a testament to Ford’s belief in the power of positive thinking and its impact on achieving success. For Ford, success wasn’t just about talent or intelligence, but rather about attitude.

For the proper racewalking technique, watch this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/Per2JwtVUwM

Lissa Low

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