
Infocomm Technology and Communication

The church is undergoing a major shift in its communication strategies towards the digital frontiers. Covid has forced many people and even the church to embrace technology as a means of interaction and outreach. Ministry on e-platforms allow the gospel a worldwide reach, perhaps casting a wider net than any human possibly can. On the cusp of such change, we welcome any member of JCC with expertise in ICT, IT, social media, graphic design, so on.

Create Channels

We need to keep abreast of technology trends to identify and employ appropriate channels to reach our target audience with God's goodness. We aim to develop a channel network that includes Social Media, Community Engagement Portals, Chatbots, Electronic Direct Mail and SMS, to facilitate unified cross-platform outreach and engagement efforts.

Create Content

The needs of our target audience vary depending on their demographic profile, life stage and spiritual growth stages. We will need to develop a blueprint of content categories to serve a diverse range of purposes such as for building relationships, sharing of knowledge and life-skills, Christian education, edification and evangelism. These should be readily accessible across technology platforms and devices.

Create Connectivity

With the available Channels and Content, we will need to develop a Digital Outreach Plan to connect with our target audience i.e. the young ones, the adults and the seniors. The choice of channels, content delivery methods and engagement frequency will need to be contextualised to meet their needs. We can collaborate with programme partners to create multiplier effects.


We are the fastest finger ‘clickers’ capturing colours and memories of church happenings

Multi Media Ministry comprise of people who enjoy writing, editing, photography, videography, graphic design and other creative expressions. If God has given you any talents in these areas, come join us and use your talents for JCC in producing print, photo and video memories/archives.​ ​

We currently provide content for the in-house newsletter “The WinePRESS”, where good writing is key.