“Understanding Identity Development & Non-Heterosexuality” talk (30 Mar, 6 Apr)

What are the developmental needs and deficits in the formation of identity from a psycho-social-familial health perspective? How do we understand non-heterosexuality and what can different people in the community do to support people with non-heterosexual feelings?
Jason Wong is organising a 2-part webinar series for us to better understand these issues. The webinars are open to all, but are catered primarily for mental health professionals, especially those within faith communities. Join Jason for a conversation with Bryan Shen.
Understanding Identity Development and Non-Heterosexuality
?️ Part 1: 30 Mar (Wed)
?️ Part 2: 6 Apr (Wed)
⏰ Time: 8.00pm–10.00pm
? Format: Zoom Meeting
?? Find out more & register: www.tinyurl.com/ssawebinar4