Youth Ministry
Heartbeat of God, Heartbeat for Man
Heartbeat of God, Heartbeat for Man
Youth cell group Pulse’s purpose is to gather brothers and sisters in Christ to journey together spiritually towards Christ-likeness. It is a community of passionate youths having the desire to grow in Christ (Philippians 3:10), to be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16) and to witness to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

Identity in Christ
Cultivating young Christian men and women to be rooted in their faith and to take ownership through their daily life and lifestyle, to serve well and grow well. When believers know their God intimately and have a firm foundation in Him, they can then serve and witness faithfully.
Regular fellowship with leaders allows a sharpening of person on person in their spiritual growth. They can then shepherd well those they lead. Youth Cell Groups include:
- ELIDS (Everlasting Light in Darkness)
- EGGG (Ever Growing in God’s Grace)
- Christal
- LIC (Living in Christ)
As part of the Joshua Culture 23 initiative, individuals are encouraged to be mentored by other leaders. At this stage, leaders are training up the next generation to be ready to lead youths too, as well as to serve the church’s wider ministries.
Leaders aim to help the youth grow the discipline of reading the Word and to also help enrich their Bible knowledge. They produce a syllabus which focuses on Word, Worship, Prayer and People to spur each believer on toward loving God and man.
Youth Service Timings
Youth Service takes place on the 1st, 3rd and 5th (if applicable) Sundays of the month. The timing is from 9am-10.30am at MPH1.
On the 2nd and 4th Sundays there is no youth service. The youth will instead join the adult service.
Cell Groups
- Days: Every Sunday
- Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm (on days with Youth Service), 9am – 10.30am (on days without Youth Service)
- Place: Jurong Christian Church Pulse Room
- Ages: 14 and 15 years
- No. of Pax: 4
2 Peter 3:18 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.”.
EGGG is the youngest cell in our youth ministry, and started in January 2022! The cell is lead by 2 cell leaders, Haniel and Naomi. As a cell, we aim to become more Christ-like day by day and grow in God’s words and grace, hence the name EGGG! Things that we do as a cell include having weekly cell lessons to learn about God’s words, playing different types of games together and having cell outings to bond! As a cell, we grow together, have fun together, stay accountable to each other, and most importantly, worship God together!
- Days: Every Saturday
- Time: 1pm – 3pm
- Place: PULSE room
- Ages: 18 – 19
- No. of Pax: About 14 Secondary students
We have cell at 9am every Sunday without fail! We do fellowship and bible study together during our cell time. We also have 1 Sunday dedicated to have fun and bonding together.
- Days: Every Sunday
- Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm (on days with Youth Service), 1pm – 3pm (on days without Youth Service)
- Place: Jurong Christian Church hub / Zoom
- Ages: 20 – 21
- No. of Pax: 5 – 6 with 1 – 2 leaders
Christal is a cell group for 17-18 year olds! We meet every Sunday morning for a time of catching up with one another and learning more about God! 😊
- Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm (on days with Youth Service), 9am – 10.30am (on days without Youth Service)
- Place: Room 3-05
- Ages: 16 – 17
- No. of Pax: 7-8 with 3 leaders