Caroling to Block 114 – 16th Dec 2023

About 76 pax signed up for caroling to the Taman Jurong community, blocks 111 to 114. However, some were unable to turn up due to COVID infection. My assigned group had 2 members unable to turn up and with the reassignment of two groups combined into one, we had to cover 4 floors.
Prayers answered
God’s protection was on all of us as we went from door to door. We prayed for good and cooling weather – no rain. When we arrived at JCC around 4 pm, it was starting to drizzle and during the practise session, the rains came down. However after dinner and some last minute assignments, when we were ready to march out, the rains had stopped, giving us a cool evening. Even with the cool weather, after completing the 4 floors of block 114, most of us were drenched in perspiration but filled with joy.
Personally, I feel that the carolling wasn’t all smooth-sailing as we encountered many doors that were closed and also a number of those who opened did not welcome us to sing. Yet there were a number who allowed us to sing along the corridor in front of their homes and 3 homes invited us in to listen to our singing. Our group consisted of elders (Joo See wondered if we were the 2 oldest who joined the caroling), middle-aged and youths, working in unity to bring the songs, gifts and games to the residents.
I feel the 3 homes that invited us in show potential for deeper conversations about faith which the Manna Bridge team should follow up.
Testimonies of joy
Fook Loy shared that his group had the opportunity to go into 3 homes and the residents were very nice and they were happy and we were happy to sing for them.
Bryan shared that his group went into the homes of 4 families. They encountered a family who at first did not open their doors but later did and invited the team in. Bernice, who is a trained physiotherapist, had the opportunity to advise one of the members of the family who had a shoulder pain. They also encountered a family who was going out but courteously stayed to hear the carols.
Gek Luang also told of one family who wanted to give the group an Ang Pow but one of the group members jokingly mentioned something like, “We cannot accept. Pastor will admonish us.”
Rev Anthony mentioned that at first many doors were shut and so the team retreated a bit to do the “Jericho singing” and then as they continued the doors started to open. He thanked God for giving us the opportunity to plant the seeds of faith through the songs.
Florence’s mother shared an incident when a lady was hesitant to being prayed for, but she told her that pastor was here and the lady agreed.
As it was already 10 pm, the group decided to call it a day and proceed back home with a spirit of joy and peace to the world. I am sure there would be many stories from the other groups who covered the other blocks. Hope they will sit down and write them for all to read.