Community Pastoring (CP) Seminar

I was very blessed to be able to attend the passionate and inspiring Community Pastoring Seminar held at Living Sanctuary Brethren Church (LSBC) on 20 May 2023.
It was a great seminar – one of the best I have attended – not simply because of the many gifts and titbits handed out to the participants and the ‘blessing draws’ organized to bless them, but the wonderful sharing on community pastoring work by Senior Pastor Lawrence Chua.
The seminar was structured, well-organized, and insightful. It presented LSBC’s humble beginnings in its community pastoring work, how God helped and led the church to overcome many struggles and grow in this ministry, and the results achieved by the church over the last 26 years.
SP Lawrence challenged us to think about whether we have done enough as a church/community that spreads the gospel and love of God to the people in our neighbourhood. To me the answer is NO, for although churches in Singapore have done their part to help communities during normal and extraordinary times (e.g., the COVID-19 pandemic), it is evident that few people are talking about what churches have been doing and their presence in communities.
Therefore, churches in Singapore need to step up and improve their outreach and community pastoring work. This is because it is an important part of fulfilling God’s command to spread the gospel and love of God to those who have yet to know or come to Christ.
Community pastoring is a lot more than simple outreach to the community. It is a highly systematic process that requires careful planning, execution, waiting and wisdom to build a strong relationship with the residents in the neighbourhood and earn their trust by serving them so that they can see God’s love in action and be brought into the family of God one day.
Like many things in the life of a Christian, the work is going to be tough. However, by keeping faith in God, our perseverance will see wonderful results and rewards. SP Lawrence urged us to be willing to do things that may seem counter-intuitive, trusting God to provide us with the ability and means to do the work He wants us to do.
Being ‘counter-intuitive’ simply means not relying too much on our own wisdom, understanding or usual ways of doing things based on worldly standards but on God. An example he gave was the church’s financial situation when it first started community pastoring. Without much money, there was the thought of spending less on the ministry. Instead, God wanted the church to go ahead and spend more doing the work, which to many of us, was something very counter-intuitive. However, following God’s leading, the church started to receive the money and resources needed for the ministry in amazing ways. The church purposefully stewards God’s money on gifts for the residents and on activities and events organized to engage them.
Another example was how a simple lady in the church, who after receiving Christ for some time, was asked to take on the role of cell leader. To many of us, a suitable candidate for the position would most likely be reasonably well-educated, has been a Christian for many years and has some applicable leadership experience. This example shows us that God often uses people we would not expect to do His work. We cannot rely on our own wisdom or understanding. We need to be willing to do things that may seem counter-intuitive but that God has called us to do.
Finally, SP Lawrence stressed the need to mobilise the whole church. Community pastoring is a labor-intensive ministry that cannot be left to the church staff or just a few people. He challenged us to educate the whole church on the importance of community pastoring and to involve everyone in the ministry. Involving the entire church in CP will also allow church members to own and share the responsibility of pastoring the neighbourhood community, and this in turn will help the church build a stronger identity.
LSBC has already paved the way for other churches in Singapore to start their own CP work. They have accumulated so much experience and knowledge over the last 26 years and are willing to share them with us. All we must do now is to learn from them, tap on the resources available to us, take that step of faith, obey God and move out into our neighbourhood community to touch those who have yet to know or come to Christ!
By Swee Wei
Reaching Out to Our Community with Love
Learning Pointers from Community Pastoring Seminar on 20 May 2023
As church members, it is crucial for us to understand the significance of outreach in our community. Our purpose is not only to attend services within the church walls, but to heed the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ to go out into the world, spreading the gospel and making disciples. This short write-up of what I have learned during the CP seminar aims to inspire and guide us in our outreach efforts, emphasizing the importance of obedience, love, compassion, and faithfulness.
Understanding Our Calling
The foundation of our outreach lies in our calling as believers. Jesus has commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to go into the community, preaching the gospel and making disciples. (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19-20) We are reminded that outreach is not a matter of choice but a matter of obedience, as we are called to remain faithful to His teachings.
Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone
To effectively share the gospel with our community, we must be willing to step out of our comfort zones. This means actively engaging with the people around us, earning their trust, and establishing friendships before sharing the message of salvation. It is only by earning their trust that we gain the privilege to speak into their lives, to pray for them, and to present them the opportunities to hear the gospel.
Moving People from the Community to the Church
As we establish connections within the community, our goal should be to move people from their positions of openness and receptivity in their homes to the sanctuary of our church. This transition is essential in creating an environment where individuals can experience the love of God within a church community.
Shared Responsibility
Outreach and caring for the community should not be left solely to the church staff or a select few members. It is a labor-intensive endeavor that requires the involvement and commitment of every believer. By collectively embracing this responsibility, we fulfill our calling to pastor the poor and needy, just as Jesus exemplified His immense compassion for them.
Acceptance and Humility
It can be challenging for believers to accept and associate with those of lower social status within the community. However, we are urged to be willing to associate with people of low position, and also to live in harmony and not be conceited. (Romans 12:16) As followers of Christ, we must overcome our own biases and extend love and acceptance to all, regardless of their position in society.
Authenticating Christ’s Mission
The messianic ministry of Jesus was marked by compassion and reaching out to the poor and marginalized. (Luke 7:22) As representatives of Christ today, we continue to authenticate His mission by caring for those who are in need, demonstrating His love through our actions.
The Good Samaritan Model
Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us the essence of being a neighbor — showing compassion and meeting the needs of others. (Luke 10:30-37) By embodying the Good Samaritan’s example, we extend the Lord’s compassion to the community, loving the poor, accepting them, and lifting them up.
Motivated by Love
Our deeds of kindness should be motivated by genuine love, without any ulterior motives or expectations. By allowing love to guide our actions, we create opportunities for pre-believers to experience God’s love and draw closer to Him. Our good deeds should serve as a testament to the Father’s presence among us. (Matthew 5:14-16)
Patience and Grace
We must provide the people in our community with the opportunity and time to transition from darkness to light. This requires patience, understanding, and extending God’s grace as they journey toward discovering His truth.
Measuring Success
Success in any outreach work is determined by actions that contribute to both the movement of people and the establishment of outreach ministries. Achieving a 1% success rate is considered a significant accomplishment and is celebrated accordingly. This celebration is inspired by Jesus’ example of rejoicing over finding a single lost sheep among a flock of 100.
When it comes to measuring the success of our outreach efforts, it is important to shift our focus from the number of people being saved to a different perspective. While God alone can save souls and convict individuals of their need for Jesus, we can gauge the effectiveness of our outreach by evaluating the number and commitment of our church members.
Hence our focus should be on activating and committing church members to engage in outreach activities. By obediently following the Great Commission and Great Commandment, we create an environment where the Holy Spirit can work in the hearts of individuals, ultimately leading them to salvation.
In embracing the Great Commission, we are called to be faithful and committed laborers in the field. Through practical acts of love and kindness, fervent prayer, sharing the gospel, and inviting people into our church community, we participate in God’s work of transforming lives. As we step out and extend His love to our community, let us trust in His power and allow Him to work through us, knowing that it is He who saves souls and brings about eternal change.
By Wen Wei & Jinfay
A Morsel of Food for Spiritual Nourishment
From the Community Pastoring Seminar on 20th May
Blessed am I and my fellow attendees at the Community Pastoring seminar on 20th May. I know that my fellow attendees will share with you a lot of the takeaway spiritual food. Here, I shall share a little morsel from the Bible story of Jesus feeding the 5000. (Mt 14:13-21)
Jesus was a compassionate man who was always willing to help those in need. One day, he was with a large crowd of people when it started to get dark. The disciples came to Jesus and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”
But Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”
The disciples looked at each other, confused. They only had five loaves of bread and two fish among them. How could that possibly feed so many people?
But Jesus told them to bring the food to him. He then took the loaves and fish and looked up to heaven. He blessed the food and broke it into pieces, giving it to the disciples to distribute to the crowd.
Miraculously, the food multiplied as it was passed around. Everyone ate until they were full, and there were even twelve baskets of leftovers!
This story reminds us that God is always with us, even amid scarcity. In our community outreach, He can do amazing things when we put our faith in him.
We can all be instruments of God’s compassion in the world:
When we share our resources with others, even if they seem small, God can use them to make a big difference.
We should not be afraid to give what we have, but trust that God will use our gifts to meet the needs of others, just as he did with the five loaves and two fish.
By Sunshine Ee