Goshen Initiative – Call for Volunteers

Dear JCCians, feel free to download and print or share the first 2 event e-flyers with your friends, neighbours and networks. “Basic Bicycle Care & Maintenance” and “Urban Farming” are open to public. Interested parties may drop into church on Sundays 3pm with their bicycles or contact Peggy Tan about gardening for free on church premises.
Register for any of these activities via jcc.sg/goshen
As part of Goshen outreach, we’re calling for believers to volunteer with the following activities. “Manna Bridge”, “KidsREAD”, “Support for Single Parents” and “Vulnerable in Community” provide room for counselling and spiritual follow-up with the needy, vulnerable and young struggling parents. Simply showing up is half the battle won for these group of people in our community.
Register for any of these activities via jcc.sg/goshen
Register for any of these activities via jcc.sg/goshen