2nd Jul – JCC celebrated its 56th Anniversary with songs, flag dances, worship and fellowship. (ref 1 Corinthians 12:12)
18th Jun – Medical Mission to Cambodia. A team comprising of 7 adults and a child was sent forth to Cambodia. (ref Mark 16:15)
15th July – Adult Cell Group Leaders and Core Team members met to keep each other abreast about the condition of their CGs and share the problems each faced. (ref Isaiah 41:10) (read “The JCC Cell Groups Community” article)
25th June – Visit to International Lutheran Seafarers Mission at Jurong Port by a group of about 20 JCCians to bring clothes and God’s presence to the seafarers who were mostly fishermen. (ref Matthew 25:40)
Post Views: 139 Dear Members and Friends of NCCS, The Executive Committee and Staff of the National Council of Churches of Singapore wish you and your…