NCCS July 2022 E-Newsletter

Dear NCCS Members and Friends,
We greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As we look forward to celebrating Singapore’s 57th National Day, NCCS is organizing a National Day Thanksgiving Service (NDTS) on Thursday, 18 August at 7.45pm. This will be held at the St Andrew’s Cathedral, New Sanctuary.
This year’s NDTS will be open to as many as are able to physically join us for worship, prayer and thanksgiving. We invite you and members of your congregation to gather as a body of Christ to seek God’s wisdom and guidance as the world faces troubled times.
In the attachment is the July E-Newsletter with information which we hope will be helpful to you and your congregations.
In His Service,
Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian | General Secretary
National Council of Churches of Singapore