NCCS June 2022 E-Newsletter

Dear Members and Friends of NCCS,
We greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and trust that this note finds you well.
Many of you are aware that the MSF has designated 2022 as the Year of Celebrating SG Families (YCF). This is a 3-year plan that families can look forward to, and “will cover Government’s as well as community partners’ and stakeholders’ plans and initiatives to support marriage and families”.
NCCS is encouraging churches to support MSF’s Alliance for Action for Strengthening Marriages and Family Relationships (AFAM) which is leading the ongoing engagement. The next session involving churches will be held on 27 June. NCCS will be represented by the denominations, as well as member churches: Bartley Christian Church, City Harvest Church, Mar Thoma Syrian Church in Singapore and Victory Family Centre. We seek your continued prayers as Christians work together to strengthen families in Singapore.
In the attachment is the June E-Newsletter with information which we hope will be helpful to you and your congregations.
In His Service,
Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian | General Secretary
National Council of Churches of Singapore