NCCS June 2023 E-Newsletter

Dear Members and Friends of NCCS,
Greetings from the National Council of Churches of Singapore.
Over the years, NCCS has had to defer approval of some new membership applications because it was assessed that these churches needed time to be established and to fulfil certain requirements, such as organisational and financial governance. However, instead of delaying their admission indefinitely, the Council will now be able to admit these churches under a newly created category of Associate Members (Churches), while they attend to the recommendations of the Council.
This amendment to the NCCS constitution was approved at the AGM on 20 April and awaiting registration by the authorities. With this new provision, and in the spirit of Christian unity, we welcome more churches and Christian organisations into the NCCS family.
In the attachment is the June e-newsletter and we hope that the information will be helpful to you and your churches.
In His Service,
Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian | General Secretary
National Council of Churches of Singapore