Prayer Focus for July 2024

Second Half of 2024
- Empowerment by the Holy Spirit: Pray that JCCians will be continually filled with the Holy Spirit, granting them strength, wisdom, and discernment to navigate life’s challenges and walk in victory over sin.
- Anointed Service: Pray that the Holy Spirit will ignite a passion for service within every JCCian, inspiring them to actively use their gifts and talents to glorify God.
- Breakthrough and Restoration: Pray for liberation for any JCCian struggling with bondage or sin. Pray for a deepening faith in Christ for every JCC family, fostering unity and spiritual growth.
Engaging the Community
- Answering the Call: Pray for a spirit of enthusiastic commitment within JCC. May JCCians eagerly step forward to serve in the church’s outreach programs, becoming instruments of God’s love in Taman Jurong.
- Building Bridges: Pray for the success of JCC’s community outreach initiatives like Baker’s Hut, Bicycle Ministry, Badminton Ministry, kidsREAD, and Manna Bridges. Pray that these programs will be effective bridges to connect with the community.
People Ministry Groups
- Children: Pray for the children’s spiritual development. Pray that they will encounter God in a real and personal way, fostering a love for Christ from a young age.
- Youth: Pray for a generation of bold and courageous youth (like God’s servant, Caleb, in Numbers 14:24) who are unafraid to explore God’s will and actively pursue it.
- Young Adults: Pray for young adults to emerge as visionary leaders, equipped with wisdom and strength to excel in the marketplace, at home, and within the church.
- Adults: Pray that the adults will become inspiring mentors who walk alongside the younger generation, empowering them to thrive in life, guiding and supporting them on their journeys of faith.