The Storms Are Gathering: Are You Ready?

The world is facing a perfect storm of challenges. Wars rage, diseases spread, the climate changes, and existing tensions escalate. Even our own nation has been hit by unexpected events, leaving many unprepared.
In these tumultuous times, which many Christians believe are the last days, should we succumb to fear and despair, or should we embrace hope and trust in God’s divine plan, especially in the context of His Kairos time?
As JCC enters Mission Month (October), how should we respond to a world facing unprecedented challenges? We can find inspiration and guidance in the story of Jonah, a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering love and the transformative power of His message.
Jonah and the sailors faced an unexpected tempest, a massive storm unlike any they had encountered before. Even Jonah, a fugitive from God, found himself within God’s watchful eye. The experienced sailors, accustomed to the sea’s wrath, were brought to their knees in fear, calling out to false gods for salvation.
Key Lessons from Jonah:
God’s Calling is Beyond Our Weakness
Jonah was rebellious. He ran away from God. But God didn’t reject Jonah based on his fears or unwillingness to obey. He followed Jonah right into the ocean, even in the opposite direction of where He wanted Jonah to go. God could have chosen another candidate, yet He is a God of second chances. The big storm and the big fish brought Jonah to a halt. He eventually reached the city to proclaim the gospel.
Has God given us the call to reach and disciple nations? Is His command our first concern today? What hinders us from reaching out to others? May we learn from Jonah that God is not silent because He is always waiting for us to respond to Him. He has not given up on us despite our fears, our reluctance to respond, or even the weaknesses that dominate our lives.
God’s Salvation is Beyond Our Expectation
Jonah was astonished when the wicked city of Nineveh responded to his message. From the king to the common people, they humbled themselves in repentance, fasting and praying. As a result, God spared the city from destruction.
This remarkable story demonstrates the transformative power of the gospel. People we may deem unworthy or unlikely to believe can be deeply touched by God’s grace. His words have the potential to change not only individuals but entire nations.
Our Response to the Storms:
Let us respond to God with faith, recognizing our role as sowers of seeds and trusting in His power to nurture and harvest. Let us seize the opportunity to share the gospel while the window of opportunity remains open. Embrace the challenges of these turbulent times, for they can create unique opportunities to reach out to others and hear God’s guidance.
The storms are gathering. Are you prepared to move in accordance with God’s will and direction?