Tomorrow’s Hope Newsletter January 2024

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus the Christ.
“For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude;” 1 Tim 4:4
Christmas Celebration
Our Christmas celebration, together with a candlelight service, was on the 16th of December 2023. This was attended by close friends and mothers and siblings of our children. We thank the Lord for those who had generously contributed to make it a joyous occasion. Gifts were given to each child and also to our guests. A great dinner, prepared by the staff and children, rounded up the festivities.
Our children’s prayer and hope are that there could be mission trippers from Singapore to share and fellowship with them in Christian unity for the Christmas festivities.
Sunday service at the beach
A day by the beach, is always a special moment for relaxation, especially when it comes to preparing for the final examinations and the pressure in living within a community.
This Sunday’s worship service was requested by the children, and it was conducted fitting to the environment. The message was shared by our friend, a local pastor.
We pray that these children will grow to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
Home survey
Our local partners brought to our attention the plight of three young children who lived about two-and-a-half-hours journey from the home. These three children lost their father many years ago. Soon after, their mother left them and they now staying with their aunty.
The oldest child is in primary 6 and her siblings are in primary 4 and primary 3.
We are keen to receive these children into the Home and are praying that God will pave the way for them to have a brighter future with the approval of the family and local authorities.
A visit by the local police
The Home was delighted and appreciate the visit of a division from the local police force who presented essential food items for our daily needs.
The officer gave a speech, encouraging the children to abide by the rules of the law and to be obedient to the rules of the Home too.
We do hope to have more of these visits in the coming year.
Growing our own vegetables
Our farm is still producing vegetables for the kitchen, and we have added sweet corn too. There is still so much that can be done on the land, and we hope to have partners to be part of this farming project.
Please pray for His wisdom and direction.
“for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer.” I Tim 4:5
Soap & Candle Making program
Selected children participated in making soap and candles. This new program gave great excitement to the children as they saw the final product.
They were surprised by the availability of the essential ingredients in Indonesia and furthermore, our citronella essential oil was an ingredient.
We thank the Lord that on the 7th of January 2024, most of the 25 children who had returned to their respective villages for the festive break, came back to the home for another new year.
Please pray that none of the children caught a virus while in their village.
Currently, one of older boys is infected with the tuberculosis bacteria and he is under medication.
We continue to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for your prayers, financial and moral support, and your passion in loving and caring for the under-privileged children of Nias.
Prayer Requests
Do remember us in your prayers:
1. The cases of children infected with the tuberculosis is slowly rising. Pray that those infected will diligently take their medications.
2. We have been informed that there are about 10 children who need a brighter future. Pray that the Home will be prepared to receive them, in the coming academic year.
3. Pray for our current staff and Rev Zega has he decides to be the head of the Children’s Home in February 2024.
May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you richly in His divine grace.