Update of Sunday Service Restrictions (no zoning or distancing)

Dear JCCians, with the latest round of easing of Covid-19 restrictions, we are pleased to inform you of the following:
- No more zoning requirements within the congregation. You may sit within any section of the congregation.
- No further need to pre-register on Event Brite for Sunday service. Hence, there will be no checking of registration at Level 1.
- No further need for social distancing with masks on.
However, please note the changes you will have to observe from this coming Sunday (20 March 2022) onwards :
- Please scan the QR code (at basement or Level 1) before proceeding to Level 2 where ushers will check your SafeEntry status at the doors to the Sanctuary.
- Please keep your masks on at all times and practice good hygiene habits.
The live streaming is still available for those who are not able to attend service onsite. We encourage all JCCians to attend the Divine service at the sanctuary every Sunday. The above is welcome news indeed where life is hopefully, returning to some normalcy. We hope to see more of you coming back to worship with us in church.
Rev. Anthony Loh