JCC Dialect Ministry Cell Group

The Dialect Ministry Cell Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month in the MPH1. The average attendance is around 17 persons, including the maids who attend to their charges. I recently joined the CG meetings after Joo See retired in May and started to serve in the Dialect CG.
Unlike the English Adult, Young Adult or Youth Cell Groups, the Dialect CG does not comprise many cell groups. It is just one cell group with Deacon Nathan as the CGL. The group gathers in the MPH1 at 2:00 pm and spends about 1½ hours on worship, exercise, games, Bible study and then breaks out into smaller groups of 4 to 5 pax with one DLT member to lead the discussion. Tea break is provided at the end for the group to eat in the MPH1 or bring home for consumption.
The worship songs are usually extracted from the Internet or are pre-recorded Hokkien Christian songs. One or two DLT members lead the singing.
Some suitable exercise routines follow to help the elderly limber up for the games section. Games are usually played while seated to avoid falls. Once the elders are all fired up, Deacon Nathan gives them a short spiritual lesson, sometimes from the previous Sunday’s Hokkien sermon.
The elders are then split up into smaller random groups by counts of 1 to 4. All the 1’s forming one group, 2’s another group, and so on. The DLT members then lead the small groups in a time of discussion and prayer.
The tea break is then distributed to the groups at the end of their session. Some of the elders eat at the MPH1 and some take the items home.
The tables and chairs are then stacked back into their proper locations by some of the more able-bodied present, usually Jeffrey and Deacon Nathan.
You may want to consider helping out in this ministry. Here are some videos of the CG activities from the latest events for your consideration:
CG Meeting YouTube link
21st Sep 2023 https://youtu.be/TJNHb7ITNfo
7th Sep 2023 https://youtu.be/l3zEM7s8ZtA
17th Aug 2023 https://youtu.be/3aBMW_k9WrA
18th May 2023 https://youtu.be/FeNyd7cRFDE
12th Oct 2023 https://youtu.be/kSukCQ-dUOA