New Year, New Flight!

A humorous story tells of a high school principal who, at the start of a new year, decided to post his teachers’ New Year’s resolutions on the bulletin board.
As the teachers gathered around the board, a commotion erupted. One teacher, visibly upset, demanded to know why her resolutions were missing.
The principal, alarmed by the outburst, quickly retreated to his office to investigate. There, he found the teacher’s resolutions, overlooked amidst the clutter on his desk. As he read them, he was astonished to discover that her first resolution was to not let little things bother her.
What is your New Year’s resolution for 2025?
Let’s make this year a year of spiritual growth. Regardless of past victories or setbacks, let’s prioritize walking closely with the Holy Spirit.
The disciples faced a dark moment after Jesus’ death. Their hopes were shattered, and their future uncertain. Yet, they obeyed Jesus’ command and gathered in the upper room. In that moment of doubt, the Holy Spirit descended upon them, transforming their lives and empowering them to boldly proclaim the Gospel. (Acts 2:1-4)
As Jesus promised in John 14:26, the Holy Spirit is our guide, teacher, and comforter.
He also reminded us in John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
As we consider our New Year’s resolutions, we must recognize that we cannot succeed in them apart from God.
So, how can we partner with the Holy Spirit in 2025?
Strengthen Your Personal Relationship with Christ
Make time each day for intentional spiritual practices. Whether it’s reading the Bible, praying, singing, journaling, or simply taking a walk, schedule regular appointments with Jesus.
A helpful tip: Write down your spiritual goals and schedule them in your calendar. This increases the likelihood of achieving them.
As you deepen your relationship with Christ, you’ll begin to hear His voice through the Holy Spirit. He’ll guide, comfort, and convict you. This will lead to spiritual growth and a closer walk with God.
Become Active in CG Life and Grow Together
Don’t limit your spiritual growth to Sunday mornings or occasional church attendance. True growth happens in community.
Join a Care Group, Sunday School class, or weekday Bible study. By studying God’s Word together in a small group, you’ll experience increased accountability, deeper understanding, and opportunities to serve one another.
Surrender Undesirable Habits, Addictions, and Sins to God
Often, we focus on treating the symptoms of our struggles rather than addressing the root causes. True change begins when we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives.
We can’t overcome harmful habits or addictions on our own. With God’s help, however, we can experience lasting transformation. As we abide in Christ and deepen our relationship with Him, He will empower us with the desire and strength to live a righteous life.
Make 2025 a Year of Transformation.
Let’s entrust our lives to God’s capable hands.
“Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5).
Let’s soar into this New Year, guided by the Holy Spirit.